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February 15, 2019 1 min read

I've come to find that when we view life through a negative lens, even the most sweet and precious things in life don't shine as bright. The lens in which we use to view our life's moments will alter everything we see to fit that prescription. 

My tip this morning comes from my heart as I have had a rude awakening myself. Take off the negative lens and put on thankfulness. I would encourage us moms to start the day off with our children, letting them know at least one thing about them we are thankful for. It could be a note left on the counter if you're not there to see them wake up, while you're brushing their hair or changing their diaper. Thankfulness and negativity can't flow from our mouths at the same time, but they're both powerful. 

You are a good mama and powerful to change the atmosphere around you. May a lens of thankfulness bring back the color and light to our everyday moments with our little ones.